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It's not perfect. It's parenting.

June 2021

Young boy wearing a dark blue shirt sits on the floor next to a woman in a light blue shirt. They are playing with a toy on the ground.

Myths about seeking mental health treatment

We spend a lot of time as parents doing what we can to protect our children. Whether that is checking that they wear a seatbelt, making sure they put sunscreen on often enough or getting the right amount of exercise. It’s also important we think about their mental health, along with their physical health.

Young preteen girl walking in a park, carrying a stick and holding a dog on a leash.

Dog safety 101

We know to teach kids to look before crossing the street and to not run with scissors. These are all well-known safety skills parents always talk about with kids. But we should be teaching a few safety things when it comes to dogs, too.

Two young boys in a canoe and wearing life jackets. They are using rowing paddles on a lake and smiling.

Ways to beat the dreaded summer boredom

Summer is finally here! We love the sunny days and the freedom a school break can bring. Here are some ways to keep kids active this summer, before they even have the chance to say, “I’m bored.”

It’s more than duck-duck-goose: how to encourage active play in preschoolers

We know staying active has so many benefits on your health and happiness. There are lots of ways to help lay the groundwork at an early age that will help encourage kids to stay active later in life. And yes, even duck-duck-goose has a hidden learning purpose.