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February 2019

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Bedwetting: What causes it and when to be concerned?

Bedwetting is a common problem, which affects 5-7 million kids in the United States each year. By age 7, about 5-10 percent of all children are still wet at night. But knowing that doesn’t add extra hours to your day to change the sheets every morning.

kids misbehaving

When your kid misbehaves and what to do

At some point, all kids misbehave and they do it because they want attention. To help keep them from acting out, fill up their “attention tank” with praise and play.

kids screentime rules

Adolescents and screentime: The good and the bad

Tablets, smart phones and handheld gaming devices are everywhere.  It’s now part of everyday life. And while we don’t have all the research on the effects to screentime – we know that there are both positive and negatives.

how to get toddlers to follow directions

How to get toddlers to follow directions

When your child is a toddler, they start to explore their independence and test boundaries – testing your patience along the way. They don’t always listen, and they want to do things on their own timeline. But teaching your child how to follow directions is an important lesson.

healthy snacks for kids

Tips for healthy to-go snacks

We’ve all been there. You’re not quite home yet, but you know that if your kid doesn’t eat something in the next 5 minutes, all you-know-what will break loose.